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Volunteer Application Form for CHOCU

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with CHOCU (Children Helping Other Children in Uganda). CHOCU is committed to supporting vulnerable children in Uganda by providing them with early childhood care and education, nutritional support, and bereavement support. We rely on the generosity and dedication of our volunteers to make a difference in the lives of these children.

Please fill out this form to help us get to know you better and match you with a suitable volunteer opportunity. We will contact you soon to discuss the next steps.

Personal Information

Volunteer Interests

What type of volunteer work are you interested in? (Check one)
Administrative support
Fundraising and events
Social media and marketing
Tutoring and mentoring
Childcare and recreation
How much time can you commit to volunteering with CHOCU? (Check one)
One-time or occasional
Weekly or biweekly
Monthly or quarterly
Flexible or as needed
When are you available to volunteer? (Check all that apply)


Please provide the names and contact information of who can vouch for your character and suitability as a volunteer. They should not be related to you.


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